Ein model ar gyfer twf mewn busnes digidol – yn cyflwyno cydweithwyr NativeHQ

English version of this post

Rydym yn dal i hudo gan y broses o adeiladu cwmni, pum mlynedd ers i ni ddechrau.

Mae adeiladu busnes bach yn broses gymhleth a mentrus ac mae sawl cwestiwn. Un maes allweddol yw twf eich tîm: pryd ydych chi’n ehangu neu dyfu eich tîm, sut ydych chi’n dod o hyd i’r bobl iawn a pha sgiliau neu brofiadau dylech chi ddatblygu? Eleni yn NativeHQ rydym newydd ddechrau ein chweched flwyddyn ac yn ddiweddar penderfynodd i dyfu ein tîm.

Mae llawer o fodelau a chanllawiau ar gyfer tyfu y tîm mewn busnes bach. Mae yna hefyd nifer o ragdybiaethau y dylid eu cwestiynu yn rheolaidd. Ni fydd unrhyw fodel neu ddull yn addas i bob busnes, ond yr hyn sy’n hollbwysig yw beth sy’n addas i’ch gwerthoedd a diwylliant ar hyn o bryd. Rydym yn gobeithio, trwy rannu ein model o dwf tîm rydym yn dechrau yn y flwyddyn hon, efallai y byddwch yn codi rhai syniadau defnyddiol.

Mae’r model yr ydym bob amser wedi defnyddio yn NativeHQ yn un sy’n dechrau gyda chydweithio. Fel partneriaid (Carl Morris a Tom Beardshaw), rydym bob amser wedi cydweithredu gyda rhwydwaith o bobl ar sail ad hoc. Mae’r perthnasoedd hyn wedi cefnogi ein gwaith ac yn ein herio i feddwl a gweithio’n wahanol gyda chyfryngau cymdeithasol a chleientiaid. Rydym yn penderfynu cymryd y cam nesaf ac yn ffurfioli hyn trwy benodi dau gydweithredwr i ymuno â’n tîm yn ffurfiol.

Perthynasau cyswllt fel model ar gyfer twf

Gall y model cydweithredwr ar gyfer tyfu busnes cael ei adeiladu ar nifer o egwyddorion gwaith. Mae anghenion prosiect yn ei arwain, gyda strwythurau agored, cytundebau gweithio hyblyg, ac yn canolbwyntio ar gyfathrebu parhaus a chynydd mewn perthnasau ymhlith cydweithwyr.

  • Anghenion prosiect: Mae pob cydweithiwr yn berson yr ydym yn cydweithio â hwy ar sail prosiect-wrth-brosiect. Mae hyn yn dibynnu ar anghenion y prosiect, y cleient ac i ni fel arweinwyr prosiect. Pan fydd unrhyw brosiect penodol wedi dod i ben efallai na fyddwn yn gweithio gyda’n cydweithiwr am sawl wythnos. Mae hyn yn caniatáu i ni i fod yn bartner gyda’r bobl orau mewn gwahanol feysydd ar sail anghenion.
  • Strwythurau gwaith agored: Mae cydweithwyr yn rhydd i ddatblygu eu gyrfaoedd a gweithio ar brosiectau yn eu rhwydweithiau eu hunain. Mae NativeHQ yn dod i mewn ac allan o’u bywydau gwaith fel y bo’n briodol. Mae llawer mwy i rannu ar yr arferion a’r offer a ddefnyddiwn i gydweithio o bell a byddwn yn eu rhannu mewn cofnod blog yn y dyfodol.
  • Trefniadau gweithio hyblyg: Nid ydym yn cyflogi ein cydweithwyr ar gytundeb sefydlog neu gynnig taliadau fel cyflog misol, ond yn datblygu pob prosiect gyda chytundebau prosiect sy’n hyblyg i anghenion pawb. Nid oes angen adeilad mawr chwaith neu’r gorbenion cysylltiedig sy’n dod gyda chyflogi pobl, gan ddewis yn hytrach i weithio o’n swyddfeydd cartref, mannau rhwydweithio a gofodau gweithio ar draws y wlad, fel Indycube.
  • Cyfathrebu parhaus: Hyd yn oed os nad ydym yn gweithio ar brosiect byw gyda ein cydweithwyr fel arfer rydym yn cadw mewn cysylltiad â hwy i gyfnewid syniadau a gwybodaeth a dysgu mwy am y gwaith arall y maent yn wneud. Egwyddorion a rennir yn bwysig i ni yn ogystal â lleisiau a barnau amgen i finio ein meddyliau.
  • Tyfu perthynas cydweithwyr: Rydym hefyd yn tueddu i beidio â chyfweld cydweithwyr posibl, ond yn dewis cydweithiwr o bobl yr ydym wedi gweithio gyda nhw yn y gorffennol fel ffordd o ddechrau perthynas broffesiynol ac asesu os byddwn yn rhannu gwerthoedd a meddyliau tebyg am gyfryngau cymdeithasol.
    Ar gyfer y math o waith arbenigol a chymdeithasol a wnawn yn NativeHQ, rydym yn credu y bydd y berthynas cydweithiwr dod i ganlyniad llawer gwell i’n cleientiaid a chymhelliant gwell i bawb na phe baem yn cyflogi gweithwyr cyflogedig.

Yn bendant nid ydym yn dweud fod y model hwn ar gyfer pob cwmni ond rydym yn credu ei fod yn gweithio i NativeHQ yn sicr.

Y llwybr fwy traddodiadol i dwf ac ein safbwynt ni

Mae llawer o fusnesau bach sy’n bwriadu tyfu eu tîm yn meddwl am y model o adeiladu tîm o staff llawn-amser â’r ymrwymiad i’w talu bob mis, i sicrhau gwaith i lenwi eu dyddiau a’r gorbenion ychwanegol o brydles hir ar swyddfeydd ac ati.

O ystyried y gyfradd uchel o fusnesau bach nad ydynt yn cyrraedd eu chweched flwyddyn, mae’n hawdd dychmygu sut y gall NativeHQ mynd y ffordd yma pe tasen ni wedi mabwysiadu’r model mwy traddodiadol ar gyfer ein gwaith.

Yn y pen draw beth sydd o ddiddordeb i ni ydy gweithio gyda sefydliadau cleient, gweithio gyda’r bobl orau ar gyfer y prosiect wrth law er mwyn helpu ein cleientiaid i drawsnewid y ffordd y maent yn ymgysylltu â’u cymunedau digidol. Mae ein diffyg pryder am bob dim sy’n gwneud cwmni ‘traddodiadol’ megis ‘letterheads’ trwsiadus, placiau enw mewn marmor a thîm staff parhaol wedi dod yn fantais. Rydym wedi goroesi’r hinsawdd economaidd anodd, ac yn edrych at ein chweched flwyddyn mewn busnes, gyda llawer o ddysgu a chleientiaid hapus.

Ein cydweithwyr newydd

Wedi dweud hyn i gyd, hoffem ni gyhoeddi i’r byd yr ydym wedi penodi dau gydweithiwr newydd at ein tîm yn ddiweddar; Dr Kelly Page a Marc Heatley. Mae Kelly a Marc yn bobl rydym wedi adnabod ac wedi gweithio gyda nhw am amser hir ac ymhlith y gorau ar yr hyn maent yn eu gwneud.

Dr Kelly Page

Dr Kelly PageRoedd Kelly yn ddarlithydd yn Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd, ac er ein bod yn drist bod symudodd i Chicago yn 2012 i ymgymryd â swydd newydd fel Athro Cynorthwyol yn y Coleg Columbia Chicago, rydym wedi bod mewn cyswllt ers iddi adael. Mae Kelly yn ymchwilydd rhyngrwyd profiadol iawn yn ogystal ag artist, awdur a siaradwr â meddylfryd strategol call, llawn profiad yn astudio cyfryngau cymdeithasol a rhwydweithiau byd-eang.

Mae hi’n dod â’i ymchwil a meddwl strategol i’r tîm NativeHQ, a bydd yn ymuno â ni i feddwl am sut y mae’r cwmni yn datblygu, gan archwilio’r materion yr ydym yn dod ar draws drwy ein gwaith gyda chleientiaid ac yn gweithio ar brosiectau sy’n gallu elwa ar ei harbenigedd ymchwil, ei hysgrifennu a dealltwriaeth strategol. Byddem yn argymell dilyn Kelly ar Twitter, lle mae’n rhannu ei syniadau diweddaraf yn rheolaidd.

Marc Heatley

Marc HeatleyMarc yn ddylunydd gweledol a creawdwr WordPress sy’n rhedeg ei gwmni dylunio ei hun yma yng Nghaerdydd. Yn ein barn ni, fe yw’r ‘wrangler’ WordPress gorau yn y ddinas, yn ogystal â bod yn math arbennig a phrin o dylunydd gweledol sydd yn wir yn deall y we ac yn gwybod sut i adeiladu profiadau defnyddwyr gwych arno. Rydym yn gwahodd Marc yn rheolaidd ar brosiectau NativeHQ technegol sydd angen ychydig o arbenigedd ychwanegol a meddwl dylunio, er enghraifft ein gwefan mapio diweddar i Gwmni Theatr Forest Forge

Mae dealltwriaeth Marc o’r we a chyfathrebu gweledol yn wych ac sy’n cryfhau gallu technegol ein tîm, ac mae’n mwynhau heriau ychwanegol yr ydym yn cynnig iddo fe. Mae hefyd yn werth dilyn ar Twitter, lle mae e’n rhannu o’r hyn mae wedi bod yn gwrando ar yn ddiweddar, i’r fframweithiau cwl diweddaraf ar y we a driciau WordPress ac ategion ei fod wedi darganfod.

Rydym wedi diweddaru’r tudalen Ein Tîm ar ein gwefan gyda’n ychwanegiadau newydd ac yn edrych ymlaen at lawer o flynyddoedd cynhyrchiol yn gweithio gyda Kelly a Marc – croeso i NativeHQ!

Our model for growing a digital business – introducing NativeHQ’s new associates

Fersiwn Cymraeg o’r cofnod hwn

Even five years since we began, we’re still fascinated by the process of building a company.

Building a small business is a complex and risky process, and one filled with many questions. One critical area is team growth: when do you expand or grow your team, how do you find the right people and what skills or experiences should you develop? This year at NativeHQ we have entered our sixth year and recently decided to grow our team.

There are many models and guides for growing the team in a small business. There are also many assumptions which should regularly be questioned. No one model or approach will suit every business, but what is critically important is what fits with the values and culture of your current team. We hope that by sharing our own model of team growth we are embarking on this year, you may pick up some useful ideas.

The model we have always used at NativeHQ is one starting from a place of collaboration. As partners (Carl Morris and Tom Beardshaw), we have always collaborated with a network of peers on an ad hoc basis. These relationships have both supported our work and challenged us to think and work differently with social media and our clients. We decided to take the next step and formalise this a little more by appointing two associates to formally join our team.

Associate relationships as a model for growth

The associate model for growing a business can be framed around a number of key working principles. It is project-needs led, with open work structures, flexible working agreements, and focused on ongoing communication and growing established peer relationships.

  • Project-needs led: Each associate is a person with whom we collaborate on a project-by-project basis, depending on the needs of the project, the client and us as project leaders. When any given project is finished we may not work with our associates for several weeks. This allows us to partner with the best people in various fields on a needs basis.
  • Open work structures: Associates are free to develop their own careers and work on their own projects, in their own networks. NativeHQ comes in and out of their working lives as appropriate. There is a lot more to share on the practices and tools we use to collaborate remotely which we will save for a future blog post.
  • Flexible work arrangements: We don’t employ our associates on a fixed contract or offer renumeration in terms of a fixed salary, but develop each project with project agreements that are flexible to everyone’s needs. We also don’t need a large premises or the associated overheads that come with employing people, choosing instead to work from our home offices, popular networked hotspots and office space hubs across the country, like Indycube.
  • Ongoing communication: Even if we are not working on a live project with our associates we typically stay in contact with them to swap insights and knowledge and learn more about the other things they are working on. Shared principles are important for us as are dissenting voices and opinions to keep us all sharp.
  • Growing established peer relationships: We also tend not to interview potential associates, but select an associate from the peers we have worked with in the past as a means of beginning a professional relationship and exploring if we share similar values and thinking about social media.

For the kind of highly specialised, highly skilled and socially-oriented work we do at NativeHQ, we believe the associate relationship will yield a much better result for our clients and a better motivation for everyone than if we were to take on salaried workers.

We are definitely not saying that this model is for every company but we think it is one that definitely works for NativeHQ.

Why we stepped away from the more typical path to growth

For many small businesses looking to grow their team, many think firstly of the model of building up a full-time team of fully dedicated staff with the commitment to pay them monthly, to bringing in the client work to fill their days and the additional overheads of a long lease on premises and so on.

Given the high rate of small businesses that don’t enter their sixth year it is easy to imagine how things may have gone this way for NativeHQ if we had unquestioningly adopted this more traditional model for growing our team.

What ultimately interests us is working with client organisations, drawing on the best people for the project at hand to help our clients transform the way they engage with their digital communities. Our lack of concern for the trimmings that make a ‘traditional’ company such as vanity letterheads, marble name plaques and a permanent staff team has become an advantage. We have weathered the tough economic climate and are looking to our sixth year in business, with lots of learning and many happy clients.

Our new associates

With all this in mind, we’d like to announce to the world that we have recently appointed two new associates to our team; Dr Kelly Page and Marc Heatley. Both Kelly and Marc are people we’ve known and worked with for a long time and are among the best in the business at what they do.

Dr Kelly Page

Dr Kelly PageUntil recently, Kelly was a lecturer at Cardiff Business School here in Wales, and while we were sad that she moved to Chicago in 2012 to take up a new post as an Assistant Professor at the Columbia College Chicago, we’ve stayed in touch ever since she left. Kelly is a really experienced internet researcher as well as an artist, a writer and speaker with sound strategic thinking , bags of experience studying social media and extensive global networks.

She brings her research and strategic mind to the NativeHQ team, and will join us in thinking about how the company develops, exploring the issues we encounter through our work with clients and working on projects that can benefit from her research expertise, her writing and strategic insights. We’d highly recommend following Kelly on Twitter, where she shares her latest thinking on a regular basis.

Marc Heatley

Marc HeatleyMarc is a visual designer and WordPress creator who runs his own design company here in Cardiff. He is, in our opinion, simply the best WordPress wrangler in the city, as well as being a special and rare breed of visual designer who really understands the web and knows how to build great user experiences on it. We regularly bring Marc in on technical NativeHQ projects that require a bit of extra web expertise and design thinking, for example our recent mapping website for Forest Forge Theatre Company.

Marc’s understanding of web and visual communication is a great quality that strengthens the technical capacity of our team, and he enjoys the extra challenges that we bring him. He’s also well worth a follow on Twitter, where you’ll find him sharing everything from what he’s been listening to recently, to the latest cool web frameworks and WordPress tricks and plugins that he’s discovered.

We’ve proudly updated the Our Team page on our website with our new additions and look forward to many more productive years working with Kelly and Marc – welcome to NativeHQ!

National Assembly for Wales announces digital engagement plans

Cardiff Bay

PierheadSpeaking tonight at The Royal Television Society lecture in the Pierhead building in Cardiff Bay, the Presiding Officer of the National Assembly for Wales, Rosemary Butler, announced a series of actions that the Assembly plans to take in order to address the Democratic Deficit, including some significant plans to develop the way that the Assembly engages with digital publishers and communities.

‘Democratic deficit’ is the term that Mrs Butler applied to the problem of many UK and Welsh media organisations failing to properly cover the work of the Assembly and the public policy differences in Wales as a result of devolution.

For example, viewers of television news in Wales regularly find themselves watching stories involving the English Education Minister Michael Gove, when it is in fact Huw Lewis, the Minister for Education in Wales, who makes policies affecting the education system in Wales.

In her speech, Mrs Butler announced a set of specific measures the National Assembly will take to improve how the Assembly communicates its work with the people of Wales including,

  • work with digital and hyperlocal media and partner organisations to create a journalism hub in the Senedd that could provide content to these new digital channels;
  • make it easier to report the Assembly’s work by providing better communications facilities on the Senedd estate;
  • make the Assembly’s data more open and accessible;
  • ensure that Assembly Members are fully informed about how best to use the communication tools now available in this digital age;
  • work more closely with media organisations to take the Assembly out to the communities they represent with a series of regional Assembly press days; and
  • also work with those organisations to provide induction sessions for trainee journalists to ensure a better understanding of the work of the institution.

NativeHQ welcomes these announcements. They will make a significant contribution to the way that the work of the Assembly is communicated to the people of Wales. We have been involved in the discussions the Assembly has held about these issues over recent months – you can view a video of Carl Morris contributing to the discussions on our blog.

The key to the success of these initiatives will lie in the way that they are implemented. Some of this is already underway. The flagship Pierhead building in Cardiff Bay, where the Presiding officer made her remarks, has finally been given internet connectivity, which the public can use via wifi, and it is good to hear there will be better communications facilities across the Senedd estate.

NativeHQ will itself be involved in the effort to inform Assembly Members about the best ways to use digital communications tools as one of the organisations chosen to deliver training in digital and social media to AMs and their political staff. We’d welcome comments from our blog visitors if you have any thoughts about the key skills that Assembly Members need to know in order to become more effective using digital tools. What do Welsh politicans need to know about the social web?

The proposal to ‘make the Assembly’s data more open and accessible; opens up the exciting possibility of allowing journalists and citizens to analyse the data in new and innovative ways that could provide fresh insights to help the Assembly to do the important work of representing the interests of Wales and its people, making laws for Wales, and holding the Welsh Government to account. It will be important for the Assembly to work with industry leaders in the field of digital democratic engagement such as MySociety as well as local Welsh technology companies who understand the specific nature of the Welsh political landscape.

The idea of creating a journalism hub within the Senedd for niche digital publishers to engage with the work of the political community is a promising one, though not without its challenges for the Assembly. We would suggest that the Assembly guards against over-reliance on the idea of ‘hyperlocal’, as not all niches are geographic. While hyperlocal sites are an increasing feature of the digital landscape in Wales, many digital publishers focus not on an area of the map, but on an area of policy. For example YnniCymru is a blog which looks at the specific topic of renewable energy, right across Wales.

These topic and hyperlocal specialists are savvy digital users, so we’d suggest that the Assembly looks to create an information resource with smart filtering and notification systems that they can use to ensure that any Assembly activity relating to the area of  information that they focus on – be that geographical or topic based – gets to them quickly.

Image by Capt Gorgeous (Creative Commons BY licence)

Social Media Insights: Arts programme gets underway

NativeHQ recently started a project working in partnership with Arts Council Wales called Social Media Insights: Arts. It’s similar to the Social Media Insights service that we offer commercially, and is based on meeting with clients for monthly sessions to address digital strategy, tactics, training, tools and analytics.

We think this is one of the most effective ways to improve client’s effectiveness on social media platforms for clients who want to retain control of their internet presence, and avoid outsourcing it to an external agency.

We put out a call for Welsh arts organisations to apply for the five places on the scheme, and were very pleased to receive a total of 46 applications, which has obviously made it very difficult for us to narrow down to five, but demonstrates the a very strong demand exists within the Arts scene in Wales for more support in this area.

We were very interested in getting a diverse portfolio of organisations to work with, in terms of the artforms they work in, their geographical location in Wales, their organisational size and the languages that they work in.

We have made our decisions and have informed all the applicants of the results. The final list of the organisations we will be working with over the next eight months is as follows:

  • Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno
  • Hijinx Theatre, Cardiff
  • Urdd Gobaith Cymru, National
  • Powys Dance, Llandrindod Wells
  • Response Wales, Vale of Glamorgan

This is a pilot project, and will involve a research element which will explore some of the common challenges and needs of the sector in creating effective work in social media, which we will make available to Arts Council Wales. We are currently getting underway, booking our initial sessions with the organisations and conducting benchmarking surveys to assess their perception of the issues they face at this point in time.

As we deliver this programme, we’ll post occasional updates on our blog to keep you informed, and we’ll explore the issues that the arts sector is presenting us as we help them get to grips with this transformed media landscape.

Free Folk collaborative map project

Free Folk Map

We’ve just finished putting together a collaborative map project for Forest Forge Theatre Company for their new production, Free Folk.  The Free Folk map is a place where anyone can add their story to the map in a place that they have lived in the past, whether or not they stayed.

The map is a living document of people’s relationship with the places they’ve lived, and asks them to tell their story, and answer the specific questions; did you stay or did you leave? And was that your choice, or did you have to?

Built on Google Maps, the Free Folk map builds on work we did to create a similar public mapping site for National Theatre Wales for their show Love Steals Us from Loneliness. We worked with the young people in Bridgend to help them tell their stories using digital media, and populating the map – mostly with stories of love.

Now, we’ve updated the platform, giving it a responsive design that works on tablets and smartphones, and uses the updated Google Maps API for it’s interface. Many thanks to our associate Marc Heatley for his contribution to the project

The Free Folk map will be used to engage with audiences on the theatre company’s national UK tour of Free Folk, which throws five strangers together on a dark night and asks; who will be left come the morning?



Social Media Insights: Arts launched / Lansio Craffu ar y Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol ym maes y Celfyddydau

Mae NativeHQ yn hapus iawn i lansio rhaglen gwasanaeth newydd o’r enw Craffu ar y Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol ym maes y Celfyddydau, mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Mae’r rhaglen yn agored i bob sefydliad celfyddydol yng Nghymru gyda dyddiad cau o 20fed o fis Medi 2013.

Dros gyfnod o wyth mis, bydd NativeHQ yn darparu cymorth pwrpasol i bump sefydliad gan gynnwys strategaeth a hyfforddiant ar gyfryngau digidol a chymdeithasol.

Am ragor o wybodaeth ar y rhaglen a sut i wneud cais, ewch i’r dudalen hon os gwelwch yn dda.

NativeHQ are very pleased to be launching a new service programme called Social Media Insights: Arts, in partnership with Arts Council Wales. The service programme is open to all arts organisations from Wales and is open to applications until 20th September 2013.

Over a duration of eight months, five organisations will receive bespoke strategic and training assistance on their use of digital and social media, which we will provide.

For further information on the programme and an application form, please visit this page.

Video: Democratic Deficit event / Fideo: digwyddiad Diffyg Democrataidd

Gwahoddodd Llywydd Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru fi i’r Pierhead i gadeirio trafodaethau grŵp am sut mae cyfryngau digidol yn gallu cyfrannu at ddemocratiaeth gwell yng Nghymru, fel rhan o’r digwyddiad Diffyg Democrataidd: Lleoliaeth – achubiaeth datganoli? ar 12fed o Fehefin 2013. Maen nhw newydd rhannu fideo o fy nghrynodeb o syniadau a sylwadau yn ôl i bawb. Roedd sôn am y we, newyddion lleol, sgyrsiau aml-blatfform, data agored a gwleidyddion a newyddiadurwyr ar-lein. Dyma fersiwn gwreiddiol o’r fideo heb lais cyfieithiad ar y pryd.

The Presiding Officer of the National Assembly for Wales invited me to the Pierhead to chair group discussions on how digital media can contribute to better democracy in Wales, as a part of the event Democratic Deficit: Localism – the salvation of devolution? on the 12th of June 2013. We mentioned the web, local news, multiplatform conversations, open data and politicans and journalists online. I gave my summary of the discussions in Welsh and here is a dubbed version of the video with a live translation into English.

Outsourcing social media: the debate

ama2We were asked recently to write down our thoughts on why Arts organisations should not outsource their voice on Social Media platforms recently, for the Arts Marketing Association blog. The piece has just been published alongside an argument in favour of outsourcing by Sarah Morris from Sequence, another digital agency also from Cardiff.

You can view the debate here on the AMA blog – what do you think? Get involved in the discussion over there!

WWF Cymru: working on Earth Hour 2013 / Gwaith ar Awr Ddaear 2013

Just poking my head out from the nerve centre to say that we’ve been working with WWF Cymru on the Earth Hour 2013 event and campaign. On 23rd March at 8:30PM many thousands of people, organisations and businesses will be switching off their lights for one hour. For those taking part it’s a statement of support for renewable energy and a chance to think about it with friends. I like to think of Earth Hour as an international festival, as people will be variously organising processions, poetry evenings, singsongs, candle-lit dinners, art projects and a whole lot more.

Saying that our role on the evening itself will be trying to document, blog, post and capture as much as we can of various things other people are doing. More generally, NativeHQ’s work on the event and campaign has included social media strategy, network building, online publicity, social media advertising and production of videos and other content.

Please sign up for Earth Hour so that your own participation and support is logged in the stats, whether as an individual or on behalf of a household, company or organisation. It will take around two minutes to sign up.


Test your knowledge of renewable energy with this quiz (made by Carbon Studio).

Dw i newydd ffeindio gwagle prin yn y dyddiadur i ddweud ein bod ni’n helpu WWF Cymru gyda’r digwyddiad ac ymgyrch Awr Ddaear 2013. Ar 23ain o Fawrth 8:30YH bydd miloedd o bobl, sefydliadau a busnesau yn diffodd eu goleuadau am un awr. Mae’r gweithred yn datganiad o gefnogaeth am ynni adnewyddol a chyfle i’w ystyried gyda ffrindiau. Mewn ffordd mae Awr Ddaear yn wyl rhyngwladol – bydd pobl yn trefnu gorymdeithau, noson barddoniaeth, noson canu, cinio a chanwyll, prosiectau celf a mwy.

Ar y noson bydd angen i ni dogfennu, blogio, postio a recordio gymaint sy’n bosib o weithgareddau pobl eraill. Yn cyffredinol mae gwaith NativeHQ ar y digwyddiad ac ymgyrch yn cynnwys strategaeth cyfryngau cymdeithasol, adeiladu rhwydwaith, cyhoeddusrwydd ar-lein, hysbysebion cyfryngau cymdeithasol a chynhyrchiad fideos a chynnwys arall.

Cofrestrwch am Awr Ddaear er mwyn dangos eich cefnogaeth a chyfranogiad, fel unigolyn neu ar ran cartref, cwmni neu sefydliad. Mae’r broses cofrestru yn cymryd tua dau funud.


Profwch eich gwybodaeth o ynni adnewyddol gyda’r cwis yma (gwnaethpwyd gan Carbon Studio).

Y Bont digidol – Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru & NativeHQ


Rydyn ni’n blogio o Ganolfan y Celfyddydau, Aberystwyth bore yma. Mae dwy awr i fynd cyn dechrau Y Bont, y stori aml-blatfform am ddau cymeriad – a llwyth o bobl ifanc y wnaeth protestio dros statws i’r iaith ar Bont Trefechan yn 1963.

Os dych chi’n methu’r digwyddiad byw a pherfformiad yn Aberystwyth rydych chi’n gallu dilyn popeth ar-lein – gan gynnwys lluniau a fideos – ar y pryd, o le bynnag yn y byd rydych chi’n byw. Mae dau opsiwn: dilynwch @ybont2013 ar Twitter neu ewch i wefan Y Bont 2013.

(DIWEDDARWYD y cofnod hwn ym mis Awst 2014 er mwyn ychwanegu dolen i’r wefan archif Y Bont 2013, sy’n ardderchog.)

We’re blogging from the Arts Centre in Aberystwyth this morning. There are two hours to go until the beginning of Y Bont, the multiplatform story about two characters – and a crowd of young people who held a sit-in protest on Trefechan Bridge to raise the status of the Welsh language (the word ‘pont’ in the title translates to ‘bridge’).

If you can’t make it to the live event and performance in Aberystwyth you can follow everything online as it happens – including videos and images – from anywhere in the world. There are two options: follow @ybont2013 on Twitter or go to the Y Bont 2013 website.

(This post was UPDATED in August 2014 to link to the wonderful Y Bont 2013 archive website.)