Size of Wales is a great charity that is working to unite the people of Wales (and those who love us) around a project to protect an area of rainforest the size of (you’ve guessed it…) Wales.
They have made a great start to their work on social media with a fantastic effort to gain over 5500 fans of their Facebook Page, a brilliant Facebook application on their website that enables people to get together in Tribes to raise funds and regular interaction via Twitter.
The team wanted to come together to look at how they are using social media in support of their strategic goals. They also wanted to come up with creative ideas for creating digital content and promoting conversations about rainforests and action on fundraising.
We developed a process for the Size of Wales team which included evaluation and creative ideas generation. We also looked at specific issues with the functionality of platforms and ways in which the work being done by the whole team could feed into their communications work.
Find out more about our social media training