Social Media Insights
Improving your organisation’s social media activity with data, insight, strategic development, training, advice and custom support
Social Media Insights is our programme that provides your organisation with customised ongoing support for digital media work.
The service is based on NativeHQ’s wide experience in helping organisations to develop a strategic approach to social media, training staff, designing initiatives and community development.
Our approach recognises the need to develop capacity and expertise within your organisation – to manage your own social media learning, voice and relationships with colleagues, partners, suppliers and customers.
We will customise the support based on what your organisation needs in developing its use of social platforms. This could mean that your leadership team needs a briefing about the field, your staff need training or you need to develop a strategy that connects what you’re doing to the organisation’s goals. This strategy could encompass what guidelines you set about staff use of social media or how you manage the organisation’s accounts and how you measure success. We’ll assess what your needs are at an initial session and design a programme for you which will evolve over time.
As you develop, we’ll provide you with an ongoing relationship based on a regular half-day session to assess your current performance through data and heuristic analysis, go through your evolving agenda, troubleshoot problems and collaborate on ideas.
We can help your organisation understand the implications for social media in your work, giving insights into the professional use of platforms for customer service, internal communication and productivity, product development, storytelling, promotion and other applications.
If you’d like to build your capacity to use social media intelligently and effectively, contact us to arrange a discussion of how we can help you.